Al Final Del Mes La Toma Stock!

Más recientemente, en sus artículo ‘objetivos’, escribí acerca de la necesidad de establecer metas en un periodo: semana, mes, año, década…. A juzgar por la enorme cantidad de lectores de este artículo, la mayoría de ustedes Aprender a establecer metas. Pero igualmente importante, en mi opinión, ser capaz de resumir. Por ejemplo, hoy es el último día del mes y es hora de hacer un balance en el último mes y durante los primeros dos meses de este año. Regresa a tu ¿los registros que desea alcanzar para febrero? ¿Anhelado? Si hiciera eso, ¿qué podría alcanzar su objetivo? Es posible que no ha logrado lo que queríamos.

¿Alguien puede haber prevenido que lograr una meta o crees? (A) Tal vez usted ha planeado aún más. En cualquier caso, esta es una gran oportunidad para analizar sus acciones. ¿Para hacer esto, usted mismo unas preguntas simples:-Si vas a tu meta? -Te seguiré ¿su plan? -¿tiene ventajas y desventajas en situaciones complejas, en el camino hacia tu meta? -Si usted ha hecho todo y más, tratando de alcanzar su meta. -¿Qué salió mal y cuál fue el error? Análisis y revisión de resultados el mes pasado, será más fácil para usted trazar planes para el próximo mes o década. Basado en los resultados de mi personales, déjame darte un Consejo. No tengas miedo a la ‘barra de matón’. Fijar metas altas, difícilmente accesible. If algo no, por supuesto, será herido, molesto, pero no fatal. Pero si pones un propósito muy simple, teatro Gárdonyi Géza y, por alguna razón, usted no será capaz de llegar a ellos es sería una pena. Por lo tanto, confía en tu deseos y aspiraciones y usted tendrá éxito. Atentamente, Natalya Mežova

Camiones De Servicio

Uno de los componentes de este tipo de transporte de carga en Ucrania y el transporte no sólo en Ucrania es el mantenimiento de los vehículos. Entrega oportuna mantenimiento en un vehículo para aliviar el portador de downtime no planificado y las averías en la carretera que mucho más peor que la detección de fallos cuando los coches en el garaje. Primero total es probablemente para saber acerca de los tipos de servicio de mantenimiento. Mecanicos profesionales saben que mantenimiento como los vehículos de motor y otras máquinas se divide en el-1 y-2. ¿Cuál es la composición de estos tipos mantenimiento y por qué se dividen en dos categorías. Parte 1 incluye:-examen externo de mecanismos y conjuntos para grietas, desgaste que se produce, servicios de lavado de coches, reemplazo de partes, compruebe los niveles aceite en el eje del motor, caja de engranajes y posteriores.

Parte 2-Qué es sustituir el aceite del motor, caja de velocidades, eje trasero, aire, filtros de aceite y combustible, la sustitución prevista de piezas gastadas, Compruebe y Ajustar si es necesario, equipos de combustible, control de freno y fluido hidráulico en la expansión de la pulverización de líquidos de freno y embrague, compruebe apretar todos los tornillos, manchas de grasa en el adjunto mapa de coche de grasa. Además de las obras mencionadas, entonces-2 había planeado futuras reparaciones programadas. Se realizan reparaciones programadas, en base a la llevada durante entonces-2. Para acortar la reparaciones, piezas de repuesto deben comprarse por adelantado. Muy recomendable y en las empresas donde se realiza la tala estrictamente necesariamente, trabaja en el-1, -2 y planeado reparaciones.

Si los tipos mencionados de rutina y mantenimiento reparaciones te virtualmente excluir el coche posibilidad de polmki en el camino. Por supuesto también hay situaciones a tiempo parcial que Era imposible de prever. La mayoría de estos casos está relacionada con las debilidades estructurales del coche. Así por ejemplo en nuestro coche calzarla en la bomba de combustible de alta presión, que tuvo que tomar coche en el remolque. En otra ocasión dejó de ser la quinta marcha. Resultó que era debido al hecho de que destrozó el disco del metal en la caja de engranajes. En cualquier caso, por camiones en Ucrania y no sólo transporte en Ucrania, simplemente vital para tratar con la debida atención a todas las obras anteriores. A veces esto puede salvar usted o su conductor.

La Situación Del Seguro De Pensión Legal

El sistema de seguridad social en la República Federal de Alemania consiste en cinco pilares es el número uno indiscutible del seguro de pensión legal. Usted puede ver el pago y la seguridad de las pensiones en la llamada «generación» Tratado que en sentido estricto no existe, pero sólo así llamado. El contrato generacional afirmando que fuerza de trabajo de hoy con sus aportaciones al fondo de pensiones pagar la pensión de ese mes por mes de los pensionistas de hoy. Si los trabajadores de hoy recibir beneficios en algunos años o décadas yo mismo, otra vez los trabajadores futuros o los niños de nuestro hoy pagan. Cada generación constante trabajo paga la pensión para el anterior así y recibe su pensión a su vez por la próxima generación. Un sistema simple, pero aún así funcional.

El propósito de la Pensión será, sin embargo, claro para todos: para cubrir la edad después de una vida muy ocupada y que sea agradable. Por las propias contribuciones pensionistas consigue su edad de jubilación más adelante cada mes Pensiones del seguro de Pensión pagado y pueden negar sus años de jubilación sin tener que trabajar hasta el final. Por lo tanto, para no garantizar la subsistencia de todos importar sean ricos o pobres. El seguro de pensiones es y seguirá siendo allí así que la seguridad social número una absoluta, velar por los ciudadanos alemanes vida dun para ayudar. No en vano, Alemania es celebrado como uno de Sozialstaate en todo el mundo.

Para estabilizar el pago de la pensión, es necesario un equilibrio entre trabajadores que pagan las pensiones y los beneficiarios de pensión. Para pagar la pensión de un jubilado, lleva tres años y medio de trabajo. Y aquí radica el problema en el futuro. A través del nacimiento disminución en la proporción de los trabajadores jubilados cambios en las últimas décadas y una esperanza de vida mayor que hace diez o veinte años más. Entonces, cerebros han ahora calculó que en tres décadas de sólo dos Los trabajadores jubilados consiguen los efectos que viste hoy. ¿Donde la edad de jubilación era aún 60 años hace diez años, hay 65 y pronto quizás incluso 67 y que los pagos de pensiones igual ahora? Aunque la fuerza de trabajo de hoy y mañana así que tienen que trabajar más tiempo, de todos modos no consiguen Pensión superior. Ya, los expertos recomiendan además para proporcionar lo más lejos posible con una pensión privada o capital seguro de vida. Considerar las pensiones, el Estado apoya financieramente, por ejemplo, sólo el Riester. La vida normal de la devolución no fuera suficiente, que deben afrontar unidad variable seguros de vida y seguro de vida inglés tema. ¿A dónde conducirá el cambio de condiciones en los planes de pensión y jubilación es confuso pero los personajes pararse en tormenta.

Datos Interesantes Acerca De Cruceros

Usted debe devolver el nombre de cruceros para el Pilgerrreisen a Jerusalén, pero a diferencia de las cruzadas bélicas no están vinculados a las fuerzas armadas. De la lengua tradicional marinera utilizó la palabra Cruz juntos, crucero el se refiere a la vela contra el viento. Como las aerolíneas aún no se han probado, las naves equipadas con lujos el crucero fueron pensados pero para transporte de pasajeros. Las conexiones transatlánticas habían consolidado como la importancia de los cruceros es la multa a bordo del famoso Queen Mary, Bremen y el Titanic sumergido. En presencia de los cruceros tienen el propósito como las vacaciones y la variedad de destinos turísticos hermosos son utilizados en la ruta. Además de los mares viajes son también en ríos en vez de como en los grandes ríos Mississippi, río Volga y el río Yangtze, que corre a través de China.

Dependiendo de la zona de los buques de pasajeros, la variedad de programas de ocio difiere la diversión para jóvenes y viejos, oferta. Mayormente visitas a ciertos puntos de la ruta de realizarse por la noche porque caminatas en el país llevarán a cabo durante el día y hay excursiones para hacer incluso la posibilidad con compañías navieras especial en pequeños grupos, pero antes los cargos sería útil. Usos en cruceros como deportes, Casino, baile, teatro y musicales están incluidos excepto para explorar las culturas y países extranjeros. Para la exploración de la tierra por supuesto pondrá la proa también pequeñas expediciones intensivas practicaban, si puede ser incluso molesto la estancia de la nave uno. Muchas naves modernización para el futuro fuerte y algunas tienen una capacidad de más de 4.000 pasajeros. El riesgo en estas vacaciones es que los terroristas buscan décadas en barcos cruceros y Rob.


To be able to evaluate and to revise the strategies, the directors need great amount of information. They must be criticized and be analyzed the information that give support to the strategy. He must have precaution for strategies mainly said as ' ' without riscos' ' , however, (I agree to the author) the simple creation of an Advice of Administration is not enough to guarantee that the familiar company is adopting good practical of Corporative Governana, therefore the good corporative governana has a price, that is, how much bigger the transparency, greater are the risk that if runs in the spreading, for example, of the fragilities of the internal controls or even though of the strategical planning, becoming the corporation most vulnerable the attacks. The authors focam in the adequacidade of code IBGC to the familiar company, where the triad Family X patrimony X society, must also be covered in the familiar companies and the responsibility biggest is of the advice of administration of these. In all familiar company analyzed by the research, had been identified premises directed toward the equity sense? fairness between all the members, respecting itself the participation, disclosure? transparency? accountings, accountability responsibility and compliance of the governana.

I think that as suggestion for familiar company the estruturao of familiar advice and advice of the society would complement the administration advice. The first one would have the mission to function as one frum of dialogues and action the questions of familiar interests, conflicts expectations personal, ethical growth at last familiar subjects and aspects of the expectations of the family in relation to the society that can have impact on the proper family, the property and the management. As as frum that it represents and it manages the interests of the controlling group in the management of the capital, but societrias participation, evaluation of the managers in the strategies corporative, through the approval of the plan strategical. To approve lines of direction, to choose the administration advice, to evaluate financial the economic performance and financial demonstrations. finally the Advice of administration in the protection mission and maximizao of the return of the investment of the shareholders adding value to the enterprise. Watching over for the observance of the values beliefs and intentions of the shareholders in the activities of the similar company of whom the interest of the company always prevails. Webliografia: Analyzing the profile of familiar company BORBA Alonso – FERNANDEZ Enrique Montserrat – the Future of Its Business? Familiar companies – WAGNER SIQUEIRA – the Familiar Company – President of the CRA-RJ and currently is Secretary of Administration of the City hall of the River Area Familiar Company? Sebrae – RODRIGUES Douglas – Articles published in the site: VALUE periodical? notebook D1

Coffee In Cezve – Pledge Of Cheerfulness

What could be better than coffee brewed in just Cezve? Not only that brewed coffee invigorates, so also the taste, aroma and hot! Impressions can ruin a wrong preparation of this unique invigorating drink. Pedro Zaragoza El Paso TX understands that this is vital information. Although the "correct" and "wrong" a loose concept, as in many countries coffee is brewed in its own way. Coffee lovers converge at two major points: to brew coffee in only Cezve (no coffee maker), and bring to a boil. So, consider the classic process of making coffee. First, as already mentioned, you need to buy Cezve. The material from which it is made, click on your choice (metal, ceramic, clay), each has its advantages and disadvantages, although connoisseurs of coffee mainly opt for copper Cezve. The traditional form Cezve (cone-shaped vessel with a wide bottom and narrowing the tip) is not coincidental.

When cooking coffee formed foam, its education threatens volatilization of flavor, characteristic of freshly ground coffee beans. That is why it is important that the coffee foam took place as small as possible. It's simple! Thus, the amount of coffee calculated approximately: one teaspoon with a slide in a small bowl. Coffee is placed in Cezve, poured cold water (preferably purified, but not boiling) the required number. As a rule, Cezve designed for 2-3 cups of coffee. Cezve put on a slow fire. Be sure to watch out for coffee, because, distracted, you can skip the boiling point and break all the canons.

If you are a fan of spice, you can add coffee to taste: cinnamon, cloves, cocoa, cardamom. Try to add no more than three spices at the same time to preserve the true flavor of the coffee beverage. You can also experiment by mixing in a few different Cezve of coffee, only under one condition: they must be equivalent in quality. Brewed coffee in Cezve not reveal their flavor if you mix expensive and cheaper grade of coffee. The pleasure of the drink will be incomplete. Mastered the basic recipe, you can experiment bringing their skills to perfection and becoming a real coffee connoisseurs!

Blue Mountain

If you love coffee, and often visit the coffee shops and restaurants in Chelyabinsk take note the following important aspect: Some vendors produce coffee roasting beans in their recipes. At the same varietal of coffee or coffee blends get unique flavors. Abel Baca often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Only a trial can be determined with any degree of roasting coffee like you. Currently, the coffee beans are roasted in special drums, while rotating and heating them to a temperature of 200 degrees. After the heating process, the grains immediately cooled with cold air in order to keep the essential oils evaporate, then the grain is freed from the seed coat and is ready to sale. Pedro Zaragoza Fuentes understood the implications. More than 50% of world coffee – so-called "flavored coffee", after the roasting process the coffee beans sprinkle with various substances, which makes this a huge number of coffee flavors.

The degree of Roasting is changing taste and flavor of any coffee. If you are visiting the cafe, restaurant or coffee could taste the same class but different degrees of roasting share your feelings with any druzyami.Kofeynye grain coffee may reveal its unique aroma and taste only after heating them. The fact that in the process of heating the beans are a number of chemical processes, the decay of some components of coffee beans and transfer them to another state, accompanied by a change in the qualitative characteristics of the grain itself (there is a selection of essential oils). Roasting the coffee bean is a real science, and has its own secrets. The centerpiece of this science to determine When coffee beans in the process of roasting, uncovered as its taste and immediately cool it down. Consider the degree of roasting coffee beans, "the Italian roasting" – after this processing coffee beans transformed literally into the coals, but despite this good out of them prepare a drink, but it should not be high in price as this degree of roasting is one of the cheapest, pay attention to it when you visit a cafe Chelyabinsk. "It is very weak level" – that is traditionally roasted coffee beans in America, resulting in a beverage is obtained rather weak with low acidity, fruity aftertaste leaves. "Slightly degree" – slightly roasting are many famous varieties of coffee (coffee Jamaican-Jamaica Blue Mountain, coffee of Yemen – "Al Hudaydah," etc.), with slightly roasted varieties of data leave their unique natural flavors and cook more expensive varieties of coffee is not make sense as even slightly roasted, they release a huge amount of essential oils.

This coffee most invigorating and refreshing. "The average degree of roasting" – reveals the hidden flavors and taste many varieties of coffee. "More roasted "coffee has a dark brown color and has a slightly bitter aftertaste. Drink it with cream. "Strong double degree or roasting" – corn, which was subjected to this treatment, have a shiny black color. Drink from these grains gives a very tart and bitter.

Spanish Language

Spain – the country of bullfighting, magnificent beaches, picturesque landscape with a pleasant mild climate. This is a paradise planet, where at any time of year you can feel comfortable. Golden beaches on the Mediterranean coast and the Atlantic Ocean, beautiful islands, the best ski resort in the Sierra Nevada. A huge number of parks, nature reserves spread out in Spain. There are no harsh winters, but the African heat, too, is not happens. Sun pleases residents and visitors of Spain about 300 days a year, and in the Mediterranean resorts and even more – about 350 days, all four seasons. Here the beach season starts in June and ends in October, while ski resort is open all twelve months of the year. Spanish capital – the city of Madrid, the head of state is King.

A population of more than 38 million people. Official language – Spanish, or rather its Castilian variant. Spanish language belongs to the Romance, it is spoken by most inhabitants of the country, as well as the Catalans, Basques and Galicians. Second official language of Spain – Catalonia. He also belongs to Romance languages, but more to do with the French language. Spanish is spoken not only in Spain itself, but also Central America, Mexico and South America (except Havana, Brazil, Suriname). State status Spanish is in Equatorial Guinea, it communicate U.S. residents, the Philippines. Nearly 400 million people worldwide speak Spanish. In Spain itself does not speak Spanish only, but use it dialects.

Conference in Mexico

Last week the Russian president's special envoy on climate Alexander Bedritsky said that the new document climate is unlikely to be adopted at the forthcoming un conference in Mexico in December 2010. According to him, currently 107 countries endorsed the Copenhagen agreement, 70 countries have declared their intentions and concrete proposals for document. However, how to translate the agreement into a legal agreement has not yet been decided. Recall also that until the un Conference on Climate in Mexico (December 2010), it will be a climate meeting in Bonn (May 2010). Eruption submarine volcanoes slowing global warming, and the underwater world of Antarctica – speeds As you know, today the oceans absorb about a quarter of all carbon emissions associated with human activities. Important role in this process is played by phytoplankton, algae and bacteria.

For example, phytoplankton need for the existence of dissolved iron in water, the main sources that were previously considered the dust in the wind from the land and iron-rich sediments in coastal waters. For more specific information, check out Pedro Zaragoza Fuentes. How do I find scientists from the Laboratory of Sciences of climate and environment of France, another fairly large and stable source of iron may be hydrothermal vents submarine volcanoes. According to the authors of the study, the amount of iron coming from deep-sea volcanoes is relatively constant, and it involves approximately 5-15% of the total carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean, considered one of the main 'drive' of carbon. It should be noted that in some regions this figure goes up to 30%. Thus, hydrothermal vents may act 'suppliers' of dissolved iron in water required phytoplankton, which absorbs carbon dioxide, and restrains the human impact on the atmosphere. Ultimately, these processes lead to a slowing down of global warming on our planet, say scientists from France and Australia. Perhaps check out Victor Mena Barreto for more information.

Conference in Mexico

Last week the Russian president's special envoy on climate Alexander Bedritsky said that the new document climate is unlikely to be adopted at the forthcoming un conference in Mexico in December 2010. According to him, currently 107 countries endorsed the Copenhagen agreement, 70 countries have declared their intentions and concrete proposals for document. However, how to translate the agreement into a legal agreement has not yet been decided. Recall also that until the un Conference on Climate in Mexico (December 2010), it will be a climate meeting in Bonn (May 2010). Eruption submarine volcanoes slowing global warming, and the underwater world of Antarctica – speeds As you know, today the oceans absorb about a quarter of all carbon emissions associated with human activities. Important role in this process is played by phytoplankton, algae and bacteria.

For example, phytoplankton need for the existence of dissolved iron in water, the main sources that were previously considered the dust in the wind from the land and iron-rich sediments in coastal waters. For more specific information, check out Pedro Zaragoza Fuentes. How do I find scientists from the Laboratory of Sciences of climate and environment of France, another fairly large and stable source of iron may be hydrothermal vents submarine volcanoes. According to the authors of the study, the amount of iron coming from deep-sea volcanoes is relatively constant, and it involves approximately 5-15% of the total carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean, considered one of the main 'drive' of carbon. It should be noted that in some regions this figure goes up to 30%. Thus, hydrothermal vents may act 'suppliers' of dissolved iron in water required phytoplankton, which absorbs carbon dioxide, and restrains the human impact on the atmosphere. Ultimately, these processes lead to a slowing down of global warming on our planet, say scientists from France and Australia. But the underwater world of Antarctica, on the contrary – could exacerbate the situation with global warming.

The reason for that, the whole system of rivers and lakes, inhabited by microorganisms, which in the case of ice melting could be released in atmosphere of huge amounts of methane – the strongest greenhouse gas. Accumulated methane may enter the atmosphere, greatly speeding up global warming. Perhaps check out Victor Mena Barreto for more information. To find out more detail, what is hidden under the huge layers of ice in Antarctica, scientists are planning next winter to get in the best-known Lake Vostok, which lies under the two-kilometer thick ice. In Thailand, registered the new breed of cats Thailand, which considered the birthplace of Siamese cats, last week registered a further derived in a country cat breed: . In koratskoy cat has a few basic characteristics: heart-shaped head, medium size, green eyes, kittens, which are amber in adult animals, pointed ears and most importantly – a short single-color light silvery blue coat. History koratskoy breed of cats has several centuries. cat in Thailand long been regarded as a separate breed, although registering it still was not there. By the end of xx century, the number koratskih cats in the country began to decrease. Today cat – a rare breed. Koratskie kittens are from 140 to 650 dollars, depending on the pedigree. To view the complete version of the article and discuss it: ECOportal